Student logic seminar

Seminar code: NMMB453 (both semesters)
(you can sign up for the seminar repeatedly)

The seminar is run in English if students not speaking Czech attend, as happened many semesters during the past.

The seminar is intended for students interested in mathematical logic. It does not assume more than basic knowledge, e.g. on the level of basic course Uvod do matematicke logiky (taking that particular course is not a necessary admission condition though). The seminar runs from the summer semester 06/07. Students are welcome to attend also a more advanced Logic seminar.

Usually we concentrate on a different theme each semester and it is generally not assumed that you have attended earlier semesters (there are occasionally exceptions to this rule when the topic from winter semester over-spilled into the summer one). The themes are chosen in a discussion with the participants in order to respect their backgrounds and interests, and often relate to the area of interactions of logic and computational complexity theory. The main program is complemented by occasional lectures by guests.

Past program.

Academic year 2024/25:

The seminar will be likely run primarily by Ondra Jezil and Mykyta Narusevych, with me assisting in any way they will find useful.
If you are interested to take part follow the info at

In particular, the topic will be decided by the seminar participants (see the above page for topics of the last two semesters).

Day, time and place:

If you have some limitations send an email to Ondra or Mykyta (see the bottom of for the contact info).

The scheduling committee may assign the seminar to some day and time in the SIS before we discuss it but ignore that - we can change it.
