Student Number Theory Seminar
Semi-formal seminar dedicated to solving open problems by students. If you find it interesting, please write me an email.
In the 2024/25 academic year, the seminar is co-organized by Magda Tinková and focuses on additive decompositions in simplest cubic fields.
The outcomes of the seminar are already published as articles:
arxiv: 2409.07941
arxiv: 2403.07171
arxiv: 2310.05281 (co-organizer Eric Stucky; year 2021/22)
arxiv: 2105.08860 (Expo. Math. 40 (2022), 1181-1228; co-organizer Pavlo Yatsyna; year 2020/21)
arxiv: 2010.15988 (J. Number Theory 245 (2023) 203–232; co-organizer Ezra Waxman; year 2019/20)
arxiv: 1909.05422 (Proc. Edinb. Math. Soc. 63 (2020), 861–912; year 2018/19)
arxiv: 1802.07811 (Math. Nachr. 292 (2019), 540–555; year 2017/18)