Student Number Theory Seminar


Semi-formal seminar dedicated to solving open problems by students. If you find it interesting, please write me an email.

In the 2024/25 academic year, the seminar is co-organized by Magda Tinková and focuses on additive decompositions in simplest cubic fields.

The outcomes of the seminar are already published as articles:
arxiv: 2409.07941
arxiv: 2403.07171
arxiv: 2310.05281 (co-organizer Eric Stucky; year 2021/22)
arxiv: 2105.08860 (Expo. Math. 40 (2022), 1181-1228; co-organizer Pavlo Yatsyna; year 2020/21)
arxiv: 2010.15988 (J. Number Theory 245 (2023) 203–232; co-organizer Ezra Waxman; year 2019/20)
arxiv: 1909.05422 (Proc. Edinb. Math. Soc. 63 (2020), 861–912; year 2018/19)
arxiv: 1802.07811 (Math. Nachr. 292 (2019), 540–555; year 2017/18)

For their work, students are often rewarded with scholarships from various sources, especially noteworthy are the student grants SFG and GAUK (let me know if you want to apply for them).